Pennridge Social Media
Students and Staff Spotlights
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Our new initiative, “Pennridge Cares” partnered with others in our local community to help our schools.
‘Fresco”- a company in Telford that held a School Supplies Drive and our Title 1 schools, Grass, Guth, and West Rockhill Elementary received the supplies for our students and families to use.
Students in the 3rd grade classes at Guth, following 9/11, wrote letters of gratitude and praise for all first responders in our area.
Then, they got to meet their heroes in person and read their letters to them at the school.
What an incredible day for a race! The annual Race for Education helped celebrate the students, staff, and Guth community that raised the most money ever- nearly $40,000!!
Students and Teachers created some very cool Pumpkin designs filled with some of the most popular characters from movies and shows!
Dear Guth Community,
We look forward to the 2024-2025 school year at Guth!
Rams on the Ridge
Upcoming Events
By The Numbers
The Pennridge High School Class of 2024 Had a 96% Graduation Rate
Our students have 560 Professional Teachers, with 90% carrying Advanced Degrees
Pennridge School District Creates a Climate for Academic Excellence. 913 AP Exams were taken by 475 students in 28 AP Courses. 83% of those AP Exam Scores Qualify for College Credit.
Six Schools in The Pennridge School District are Ranked Among the Best in Pennsylvania